Thursday, February 15, 2007


I went to see a new endocrinologist this afternoon. This one specializes in fertility and pregnancy. I wanted to see someone who could tell me if my thyroid issues let to Nora's early delivery. He told me that there is no evidence that says that hypothyroidism can cause or have any affect on an early delivery. What could have been an affect, was the fact that they kept my level at, what they thought to be, an odd level. That could have led to the 50 pounds that I gained in 34 weeks which, ultimately, could have made my water break early.

What did come out of the visit, is that I have an enlarged thyroid and they want me to have an ultrasound on Monday. They drew a fair amount of blood while I was there as well. Hopefully they are able to tell me what I need to do to get everything in check.

Interestingly enough, they decided to tell me all about possible fertility testing, just in case I need it in the future. That was interesting, but scary all at the same time. Hopefully we won't have any issues, but it was quite informative. I have a prescription for 2 vicodin if I have to have one of the first procedures done where they would have to put something into my uterus. OUCH! Although, I've never tried vicodin, that could be interesting ;-)

The most worrisome test involved having sex in the morning, going to the doctor in the afternoon, and having the doctor observe *how* the sperm are swimming. What a disgusting job!


Blogger Andi said...

Don't get discouraged...after being told we'd never get pregnant (as a result of my thyroid disease) we let our guard down (since we weren't trying to get pregnant) and the next month were pregnant. I've often wondered, since the doctors believed the boys are fraternal, if I didn't drop two eggs as a result of having an unregulated thyroid. Glad you found a specialist that can treat you during pregnancy. Mine is great and I got to see her every 4 weeks during my pregnancy. OB's are good at women's health but no one can be a specialist in all areas. Please keep all of us posted!

1:12 PM  
Blogger M Big Mistake said...

Ain't thyroids great? I've been doing the ultrasound, etc thing for the last few months myself. My favorite part was getting a blood test for the antibodies that show that your thyroid is attacking itself. Normal is 40...I was over 2,000! Mmmm...autoimmune disease.

2:35 PM  
Blogger Unplugged said...

And the most frustrating thing is juggling all the different medical advice. Just follow what feels right. It will work out in the end. Let us know if Paul can be of help at all!

4:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That is exactly what my thyroid is doing. how can the rest of my body be attacking my thyroid? What the hell?

5:27 PM  
Blogger M Big Mistake said...

There wasn't much they did different for me after the ultrasound and blood tests. They switched me to a T3/T4 combo at my request (something I'd read) but they basically told me that I'm kinda screwed because I don't seem to respond well to the hormone therapy. Except now I get to go in every six months and get an ultrasound to make sure that the nodule that I have doesn't turn into cancer (which it is unlikely that it will). Hopefully you will get some better kind of result.

10:08 AM  

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