Friday, June 01, 2007

15 weeks

Today officially marks the beginning of my 15th week of pregnancy. The two most frustrating things so far have been that I never know what clothes in my closet are going to fit on a given day, and I have to wear a bra 24/7. It's amazing how much you forget in two and a half years.

I'm enjoying all the "You are such a cute pregnant woman," comments from people at work. I don't have the heart to tell them that they didn't see me last time and have no idea what a sight they're in for. I'm trying to enjoy this stage because I know the tree-trunk-legs and triple chin are on their way.

I almost laughed out loud a couple of weeks ago when my doctor told me that my weight-gain goal for the pregnancy should be 25 pounds! Are you kidding me? I'm going to work very hard at not gaining 50 pounds by week 34 this time, but I'm not making any promises. My goal is to only eat ice cream one time per week during the summer. As for potato chips, I can't quantify the number that will go into my mouth each week.

It seems that just a few weeks ago I could hardly eat during the day. Now I can eat all day long. I feel as if I'm torturing myself my not having something to munch on constantly. My brain obviously understands that this isn't the case, but my stomach is telling me something much different. I almost got the shakes two days ago when I had a craving for Doritos. I even sent out an email to a few people at work asking if they had a stash. Lucky for me, one of the kindergarten teachers had a bag stashed behind her desk. Disaster avoided.
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Blogger Sarah said...

You are definitely looking cute, April!!

2:54 PM  

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