Monday, November 26, 2007

The story

Here's the quick and dirty of the labor and delivery story:

Monday afternoon I had parent/teacher conferences. It was the second of three days. As I sat talking to the parents of Matthew, I started feeling some strange aches very low. It almost felt like the Little Man was trying to move his butt from one side to the other. I'd felt that before.

I left school and had to stop a couple of times because something hurt. Again, nothing that hadn't happened before. When I got to Dyanna's house (our nanny), they got a little stronger, but nothing that made me think I was in labor. I should have called the nurse at that point, but stubborn April put Nora in the car seat and started to drive home. After realizing these 'aches' were coming in 7 minute intervals, I decided to call the nurse. The nurse advised me to just drive to the hospital to have them monitor me to see what was going on.

I called Dyanna and told her that I needed her to meet me at the hospital. She let out a scream of excitement and hung up before I could tell her where to go! I dialed Brian's cell phone about 15 times without an answer. I figured out that I could call his work phone and push 0 to get the operator. I frantically told the operator that I was in labor and couldn't find my husband. I stayed on the phone with her for a couple of minutes until Brian got on the phone all out of breath..."HONEY, ARE YOU OK?" I told him to get to the hospital as soon as he could. It was 5:00, not a good time to be driving around here, but he made it in about 30 minutes.

They hooked me up to the baby and contraction monitors and confirmed that I was having contractions about four minutes apart. I was shocked because at this point, they did not feel like contractions that I remember from Nora. They were very low and all across my back.

After Brian arrived, Kellie (Dyanna's mom and a good friend of mine) and Dyanna took Nora home. We weren't sure at that point if I was going to be staying, so we told her that we'd call with any information later. The nurse on-call said I was only 2 cm dilated, so to go home and come back before her shift was over in an hour and a half so she could check me again. We rushed home to get all the other necessities of having a baby: car seat, over night clothes for Brian, pillow, etc. Luckily, when we were home for that 15 minutes, our Thanksgiving groceries were delivered. I had obviously forgotten about them, but we would have been screwed if we weren't there to get them!

6:45 - With the turkey left to thaw in the sink and a PB and J in my hand, we headed back to the hospital. My contractions were getting a little stronger and closer together, but I could still talk through them.

When we got back, the nurse checked me and I was now at 3 cm. They got the doc's orders to admit me. At this point it was about 7:30 and we went to my room. I was not having to stop and breath through contractions on the LONG walk to the room. (I learned later that the walk was actually not that far at all, but it sure felt like it at the time!)

9:00 (I think) - The nurse came back in to check me...4 cm! Epidural time baby! I was pretty uncomfortable at this point. The contractions were all over the lower part of my belly and horrible through my back, but still, nothing like what I remember with Nora. With Nora, I was like a cat trying to find a new position before each contraction came as if that would make them hurt less. The anesthesiologist was called and was in my room within 15 minutes...again TOTALLY different than the hour and a half it took to get the damn guy in my room with Nora.

9:30 - This is where the real pain began. The anesthesiologist started to numb the site where he was going to put in the epidural. This hurt really bad, especially considering the contractions coming every two minutes. I could tell right away that it was too far to the left, but I didn't say anything. Can you believe that? I didn't say anything! He stayed in the room to watch the epidural take effect. He soon realized what I did a while ago, it was only working on the left side and the contractions were just as strong as ever on the right side. Strange feeling to say the least! So we decided to go through the whole process again to get it right. Please refer to the beautiful picture below of the after effects of the many attempts at getting it in the right place. He would put it in and then ask me what side I felt it on. He finally got it right and I knew right away. This process wasn't over until about 11:00!

At this point I was feeling pretty good. I made a few phone calls to let my parents and sister know what was going on and just waited.

The fun started happening about 1:30. The nurse came in to check me and I was at 10 cm and ready to push. The doc came in to confirm and said to call her when things were getting close because she had two other moms that needed c-sections at that very moment. Brian and the nurse held up my legs and I started pushing. I asked for the mirror so I could see what was going on, but the nurse said she couldn't leave because Nicolas was making he way out without any difficulty. The nurse ran out of the room to get the doctor. I took a rest from pushing and watched as the doctor and two nursed frantically came running into the room. I didn't realize it was going so fast. I pushed two more times and the doctor said, here he comes! He was out within 15 minutes of when I started pushing!

So there you go! Eight hours from beginning to end...a far cry from the seventy-three hours it took to get Nora out!


Blogger Andi said...

Having never felt a contraction in my life I'm somewhat comforted by the fact the second time around seemed easier for you. Despite the problems with the epidural, I'm glad you didn't suffer any complications afterwards with that!

6:58 PM  
Blogger Andi said...

My favorite part about the story has to do with the groceries. I'm sure every Thanksgiving you'll have a smile on your face remembering how Little Man almost changed the menu for his first Thanksgiving.

7:02 PM  
Blogger pegandmichael said...

Second babies are so much easier than the first.

8:02 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

I love reading birth stories! Wow, aside from your epidural nightmare, it seems everything else was smooth sailing!

With my first, I was only in labor about 7-8 hours and pushed for 20 minutes. With my second, I was in labor a little longer- 9 or 10 hours, but only pushed for 5 min. If I have a 3rd, it'll fall out if I sneeze.

9:48 AM  
Blogger JayC said...

Brian, great driving skills, poor availability.
April, sounds like you were rather cool and calm.
Anesthesiologist: F. (Call Grey's anatomy, they need to add this to their show)
Doc.... just in time delivery approach.
Nicolas: A+. Thanks for not loitering for 73 hours.

Congratulations to the whole family. :) Can't wait to see the little man in person.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Jana S. said...

I love birth stories too. I really have to admire you for enduring all that suffering, especially with Nora but now too. I didn't have any epidurals (although maybe that's a good thing, after reading your story) or other pain relief, but the labor with Anna only took about 4 hours and about three big pushes to get her out, and the second time, with Emma, it was about 2 hours of pain and about two pushes to get her out. I did have oxytocin through an IV both times so I assume that helped move things along, and an episiotomy both times too, which I think with nine pound babies was a good thing also. A much easier second labor will hopefully mean that you will not hesitate to go through it all a third time :) !
Jane (form. Kucharik)

12:29 AM  

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