Wednesday, October 25, 2006

She got me thinking...

I just read my girlfriend Tamira's post about her thoughts on why we have so much violence in our society and schools today. Her reasoning revolved around the social caste system that we have in our country and the messages we (teen-age girls, primarily) are getting from the media that being mean and nasty to each other is acceptable.

Here is what I responded to Tamira's post:

I'm not sure that it is the caste system, that we ignore that we have in this country, that is to blame. That system has been in place for YEARS and kids didn't come to school with guns twenty years ago like they are now.

I think we live in a society where it is completely acceptable to act on your every whim. I think that is why we see so many more men fucking little kids and why I have more students mouthing off to adults. For some reason, it is now acceptable to act on all the things that go through your head rather than letting them do just that, go through your head.

I have a student that is in third grade and was just hospitalized for bi-polar disorder. He has beat me up more times, in the last month and a half, than I'd like to mention. I don't think that what would have happened to this child twenty years ago is acceptable, but how far to we have to let kids go before we put a stop to it or get them the help that they need?

Why isn't it ok to say no to things that are wrong anymore? "Oh, that is just how he is expressing himself" or "She can't help it, she has a chemical imbalance" or "People can do what they want to in private."

I think the pendulum has swung too far and we are accepting of unacceptable behaviors because we have to be PC. I had to be very careful in how I dealt with this child, not only because he has a very severe disorder, but because the school district was scared that his parents were going to sue them. I couldn't always do what I thought was right because I had a little director of special ed sitting on my shoulder reminding me of what could happen.

This leads me to my next question, why do I keep doing what I do? At this moment, I don't have an answer for you. I enjoy being around children and helping them succeed. What I can't take anymore, are the politics that surround the public schools and the parents that push me over the edge. First, I understand that there will be politics in any job that I may hold in the future, I'm just sick to death of the ones in my field. Secondly, when did it become completely acceptable to go into a school and tell the teachers exactly how they should teach teach your kid?

Seriously, I don't tell our accountant how to do my taxes! I give her my input, but trust that she knows more about it than I do. I've gone to school for 6 years and taught kids for almost 9 years. I think I know what I'm doing by now. All I ask for is a little faith in my knowledge and experience. I understand that you know your child best, as one parent justified a few weeks ago for making rude comments to me. However, I know a little about how to teach too.

That said, what else would I do if I didn't teach? I'm sure teaching students with special needs is a bit like teaching adults with short attention spans. I'm also quite confident that I could get just about any organization organized quickly. The problem is, would it feel as worthwhile at the end of the day?


Blogger Mel said...

The direction that the country is heading makes me sick. We have trial lawyers to thank for that. Period. Laws are passed left and right to "save us from ourselves" when in reality all we need is to fall a few times and learn from it, rather than turn around and sue the playground equipment manufacturers. We used to live our lives, watching out for cars and sharp objects, now we have to live with the fear of getting sued. Sickening.

9:51 AM  
Blogger Rorick Family said...

AMEN! Thank you, April for saying what I am going through right now! This year, I have a (so-called) child with autism. I have "experts" with NO teaching experience telling me how to do my job and making excuses for the kid who needed his ass cracked when he was little. The problem is... the kids know how to "play" the system and it works!

11:02 AM  
Blogger April said...

So now what? All this shit is just going to run every teacher that knows what is right out of the system! It sure is going to run me out!

Right now I have a parent of a child with autism, that wants an adult to be with him at every recess and every lunch period during the week. You've got to be kidding me. She thinks this is going to help his social skills! DUH! This is just going to HINDER his social skills. Get a life

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girlfriend, I could go on and on about this one. Glad I got you thinking! Bottom line is no one takes accountability anymore in this country. I heard about the issues with all these government labels and how you can be sued as an educator for making a child do something that their label says they can't do. Sick! I say, Sick! Children need to learn that in life nothing is guaranteed and it only gets more difficult but you have to tough it out!

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS I give you credit for doing what you do, dealing with other people's kids when honestly most of them look forward to sending their kids to school so that they don't have to deal with them! It is a thankless job, but you have the ability to really make a difference in someone's life. I know there are teachers who have made one in mine!

6:00 PM  
Blogger FDR said...

obviously there is embalance. As long as there is imbalance, there will be "dis -ease." Don't think that you can't make a difference. You already have. The schools need more people like you, April. You're a leader - people are going to pay attention whether you think they are or not.

4:05 AM  

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