Saturday, February 03, 2007

Teaching Sucks

Yesterday Brian spent his day tooling around Seattle "getting to know his team" by going on a scavenger hunt and spending time on a houseboat. You want to know what I did all day yesterday? No. You really don't.

Why can't my job be more like his? I want monetary rewards for doing a great job. I want to be able to be flown to Europe to present my full proof way of teaching expository writing to thousands of people. I want to be able to go out for lunch when ever I choose. What's that you say? I should enjoy the intrinsic fulfillment of knowing I'm helping create better citizens for our country? I should bask in the beauty of seeing one child meet his/her goal? That's BS! I just want to be respected as a professional, paid as such, and not be pitied because "Oh, you must be such a patient person!" Those of you that know me well, know that I am ANYTHING but patient.

Now I feel better. See, this is why I have a blog. So someone else beside my husband can listen to me bitch. Poor guy, that's all he's heard this week. Thankfully we have the night off tonight. Nora is going to a hockey game with Kellie and Terry's family. They've been hosting a 16-year-old Canadian that is in on a Seattle team of 15-18 year olds from all over the place. It's an interesting set up. I forgot what a boy that age sounds like. All he does is grunt.


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