Monday, March 05, 2007

Stolen Car

On Friday morning, I picked up a colleague of mine that teaches 6th grade because she lives very close to Nora's daycare. At about 9:30 in the morning, she found out that her husband's car had be stolen! He left the car running as he stood in line at the ATM machine (the same bank we go to in Woodinville) and turned around to see someone drive off with his car! Katy was so pissed by the time we left school that afternoon, that all we talked about was the stolen car.

Oddly enough, as we were minutes away from her apartment, I spotted her car sitting in veterinary hospital parking lot! We pulled into the parking lot, and sure enough, there sat her car. She immediately called the detective that was working on the case to let him know that I had done his job for him. As she was speaking to the officer, an old Nissan Sentra pulled into the parking lot on the other side of her car. Two capped men were looking at the car intently. For some stupid reason, I opened my car door and stood up. I must have looked pretty scary, because they immediately backed up and squealed out of the parking lot. I noted their license plate number and quickly sat back down in my car, realizing my stupidity. As Katy was finishing her conversation with the officer, I told what had just happened and asked her to call 911. An officer came to the lot in about 5 minutes to take the new information. Unfortunately, my opinion about the guiltiness of the two men in the Sentra was just that, an opinion and the officer wasn't going to be able to do anything unless the plate number came up with something suspicious.

The cool part was that he finger printed the car while we sat there and watched. It was totally CSI Woodinville!

Today at school, Katy told her 6th graders about our experience on Friday after school. I had quite a few kids in the hallway giving me high fives because I "saved Katy's car and life, Dude!"


Blogger Rorick Family said...

You are the top cop! You were thinking of a possible career move, right? Maybe this is your niche?!

4:33 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

All those crime novels through the years have paid off in Woodinville CSI! Way to go.

5:25 AM  
Blogger Unplugged said...

There you have it. The answer to your, "what to do with my life" burning question. PI Remfry.. forget teaching!!!!!!

10:54 AM  
Blogger pegandmichael said...

You were very, very lucky April. Who was Katy pissed at? Her husband who left the car running, and unattended, or an opportunistic thief?

2:59 PM  
Blogger Ms. Lu said...


I can just see April getting up out of the car with the fierce "oh no you di'nt" look on her face.

I'd turn tail and run too!!!!


Scary stuff! Glad to know that you escaped unscathed!!

9:23 AM  

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