Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I've found yet another thing to piss me off about the educational system. I just realized that my teaching license expired in December. I called up the state licensing system and they told me that the two tests I took in August weren't enough and I need to take one more test. Are you kidding me? Another test that shows I'm not a bumbling idiot? Plus I have to pay $110 to take the damn test! I'm annoyed. I'll be sitting in a high school auditorium on May 12 proving that I understand how to read, do math, and can write compentently. Morons.

I also am having another ultrasound on the 30th. I went back through my calendar and realized that there is no way that I was only 6 weeks when I had the ultrasound last week. If that were true, that would mean I got pregnant while Brian was in Germany. I'm hearing the snide remarks already, but Brian has already said them, so keep them to yourself :-) Anyway, I knew I was further along, but who can argue with a computer that is jammed up your vagina?

I'll keep you up to date.


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