Saturday, October 06, 2007


I appreciate that no one has commented on the belly picture. Brian did his best to get at an angle that would make me look as big as possible :-) He thought it was pretty you can laugh too.

I've been feeling pretty crappy lately. I've had a terrible cold and that semi-truck between the legs wasn't getting any better. I went to the OB on Thursday afternoon and she recommended quite a few things to take that would not effect the baby at all. For future reference, Sudafed, Robitussin DM and Benedryl can all be taken while prego without any side effects. She also told me I needed to get a belly bra, more politely called a maternity belt. I promptly left her office, called in sick for Friday, and headed for the clinic across the street that had the belt and all the medicine.

The nice lady at the breastfeed clinic fit me for a belly bra. The only thing I can think of that it looks like is one of those belts that the guys in high school used to wear to prevent a hernia when they were working out. It is a polyester white band with tons of velcro on it that goes around my back and then down around my belly. Natasha, the 'fitting specialist', told me that I needed the largest size so I would have a little more room to grow. I was thinking in my head, what the hell to really fat people do? Yes, I'm fat right now, but what if I was fat before I was prego and now weighed 250 or 300? Would I just have to deal with the semi-truck between my legs feeling for the last 8 weeks of my pregnancy? That can't be right!

Anyway, the moral of the story is that the semi has decided to move on to some other poor unsuspecting pregnant woman and my cold is on the mend. I still have astronomical amounts of snot, but I am sleeping for four to five our stretches and wake up feeling like I can interact with people again.

I've already received two emails from parents giving me recommendations for what they used when they were sick and pregnant and begging me not to be gone on Monday too. Sounds like the kids didn't care for the substitute and would prefer to have crabby Mrs. Remfrey.

On a side note, all the 0-3 month clothes are in the dryer and the hospital bag is starting to be packed. I don't want to be caught off guard this time! I went into labor with Nora a week and a half from this point. Even though I'm much more uncomfortable this time, the little man better stay put longer than Nora. I don't want to deal with the NIC Unit this time around. It would be oh so nice to be home two days after delivering...I think.


Blogger Rorick Family said...

Yup, I remember feeling that way about the hospital, but it is different with the 2nd one! I wanted to stay the extra day to be waited on! It was WONDERFUL!

5:55 PM  
Blogger Andi said...

At 34 weeks I measured 43 weeks (but in all fairness there were two in there) and had officially met my weight goal of 60 pounds (based on my pre-baby BMI). If the boys wouldn't have been born that day I probably would have bought one of those body bras.

I hope Little Man goes easy on you here on the home stretch and the final weeks aren't full of any surprise trips to the hospital - for anyone! We are thinking of all of you!

6:55 PM  
Blogger FDR said...

So glad to know you are feeling better, April. It couldn't have been easy having us visit with you feeling as you did. You're incredible

4:51 AM  
Blogger Jana S. said...

I actually had it the other way around from what Andi M. said - I was not sure what to expect with the first baby and so was sort of apprehensive to go home, but could not wait to get home with the second. Jane (formerly Kucharik)

7:20 AM  
Blogger Jake Johnson said...

I know quite a few men that could use a belly bra--or is it a belly bro.

5:57 PM  

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