Thursday, January 03, 2008


I've vowed to go to sleep before 11:00, so this will be short. All in all, things are going quite well in the transition from one child to two. That being said, I've only had to do it by myself for about three days so far. My dad was here from December 2nd until December 30th helping with EVERYTHING. I'm not sure how we would have done it without him. Somehow he thinks it was kind of us for 'allowing' him to stay with us. I think it was more like we desparately needed the help and he got roped into becoming Mr. Mom for a month! Thanks Dad!

Nic is going down between 10:00 and 11:00, waking up around 3:00 or 4:00 and then is up between 6:00 and 7:00 in the morning to start chowing every 2.5 to 3 hours. We get a few smiles here and there, but for the most part, he is still in the mode of eating, sleeping, and pooping without much time left over to be awake. We get a few good hours of open eyes during the day, but that's about it. His brain must been developing like crazy :-)

Please stop reading here if you don't want to know about the status of my boobs. That was a warning for you Cousin Jake! So, the boobs...I don't remember them being this huge with Nora! Holy Crap! This is the only part that is really difficult with having two around. Nic, being the true male that he is, just falls asleep at the boob and seems much more happy to just hold my nipple in his mouth. I told you, Jake, you didn't want to keep reading! I've been pumping most everything, but my boobs are starting to give out. I've made it this far and I'm very happy with that. We'll see how much longer they last, but I've already had a couple of blocked ducts and I'm not willing to go through that much pain this time around again. Hopefully we'll be fully transfered over to formula within the next week. I'm trying not to feel guilty about stopping, so those of you thinking about posting a comment about how I NEED to keep nursing, please keep it to yourself. I have enough guilt built up already :-) Thanks for your emails, Andi!


Blogger Pam said...

You've already nursed longer than I did, and my child is graduating from High School in June and seems fairly well adjusted. You do what is good for you. Nic just needs food.

7:29 PM  
Blogger Jana S. said...

April, my mom only breastfed me and my brother for a few months each, and I think we turned out okay (though my husband might not agree). On the other hand, I nursed Anna for almost three years, and Emma is 17 months and doesn´t appear to want to stop nursing anytime soon. HOWEVER, the reason I am nursing and not using formula is because it just seems a zillion times easier than doing all the things involved in making and feeding formula. I had to feed Anna formula for a while until she was about eight weeks old because she was having trouble latching on and was not gaining enough, and I though I was going to go crazy mixing the powder with water and everyting else that was involved. I guess I am just lazy so I will choose boobies over bottles any day, but you definitely should not feel guilty. A baby needs to be fed and held, and it is obvious Nic is getting that and that he will grow up to be happy and healthy just like Nora! Jane

5:50 AM  

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